top benefits of dental implants

When choosing a solution for missing teeth, there are many benefits of dental implants to consider. To help you understand more about dental implants, we’ve listed the top 5 long-term benefits. But first, let’s cover some basics.

What Are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants act as a root for a new, fully functional tooth structure, which can replace one or more missing teeth. The new root is formed by placing a titanium post below your gum line into your jawbone in place of the missing tooth. Once this part of the procedure has healed, the abutment is attached to your dental implant, which the new (false) tooth is then attached to. So, what are the benefits of getting dental implants? 

Top 5 Long-Term Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Comfort

If you’re going to spend money to replace missing teeth, you want the solution to be comfortable. Because dental implants are custom fitted to your mouth, they replicate the feeling of natural teeth. Since dental implants act like natural teeth, they also help to maintain the strength and stability of your jawbone. This in turn, can help prevent premature aging, which is often associated with bone loss of the jaw. 

  • Longevity

This benefit of dental implants is double sided. Not only do dental implants last a long time (which we get into a little later), but dental implants have been used for decades to help with the ability to eat, speak, and smile. This means the procedure has been improved over the years, reducing the risk of complications.

  • Stability

Because dental implants are fused to the jawbone, they are a stable tooth replacement option. This means there is no worry about your replacement teeth coming loose or falling out, which is often a fear associated with dentures. 

Replacing a lost tooth with dental implants also helps stabilize the surrounding teeth. A gap in your teeth can cause your teeth to shift, which can affect your bite and your ability to chew. This shift in your teeth can also make replacing the tooth more difficult in the future. 

  • Oral Health

Missing teeth can leave you susceptible to bacteria that can enter the root, leading to gum disease. Not only can dental implants help create a barrier to bacteria, but in some cases, they have been found to reverse it. 

  • Confidence

Sometimes a missing tooth can leave us not feeling our best. Dental implants can help restore this confidence so you never have to doubt your smile again. Additionally, dental implants can help improve your quality of life through all of the benefits listed above. Less concern about your oral health leaves you time to focus on the things that make you smile. 

Are Dental Implants Safe? 

There are many benefits of dental implants, including that the procedure is relatively safe. However, like with many procedures, there is a chance complications may occur. These complications may occur soon after the procedure or much later. Risks include infection, damage or injury to surrounding oral structures, and nerve damage. Some complications may result in dental implants becoming loose or implant loss. However, you can rest easy when you’re dealing with highly-trained and experienced dentists like our team at Shapiro Family Dentistry.

To help ease your worries, we’ve created a page with everything you need to know about dental implant surgery. This covers everything from who is a good candidate all the way through the dental implant procedure. If you still have questions, our dental experts would be happy to answer them during a free dental implant consultation.

And while not a safety concern, it is important to remember that if you do have dental implants and are scheduled for an MRI or x-ray, inform your healthcare provider and imaging technicians, as dental implants can distort or interfere with these images.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Another benefit of dental implants is they are the longest lasting tooth replacement option. With appropriate care, they can last up to 30 years. This means, depending on your age when you get dental implants, they can last a lifetime. 

Dental implants can last so long because titanium is biocompatible, meaning it bonds with the bone through osseointegration. During osseointegration, the bone tissues surrounding the implants will grow and fuse with the titanium. This process can take a few months but results in a long lasting, secure solution to a missing tooth or teeth.

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Dental Implant Procedure? 

Recovery from the initial procedure to place dental implants can take up to six months. This is followed by an additional recovery time of up to two months once your crowns have been fitted and seated. Follow up appointments are necessary to monitor your recovery. 

While the recovery time may seem daunting, it’s important to note discomfort after the initial procedure is minimal. The most common side effects include minor soreness, bleeding, and bruising surrounding the implant. Medication may be prescribed to manage these symptoms. 

During the first week of recovery, you should avoid using straws and maintain a soft food diet as much as possible. Shapiro Family Dentistry sutures dental implant incisions with self-dissolving stitches, so it’s important to avoid chewing around the site of the implants until the stitches have dissolved.

Are Dental Implants Worth It? 

Generally, dentists will recommend that dental implants are worth it to help replace one or more missing teeth. To learn more about dental implants, you can visit our Dental Implants FAQs page or schedule your free dental implant consultation. During this consultation, your dentist can help you decide whether dental implants are right for you by conducting an oral examination and discussing the possible risks and benefits of dental implants.

If you’re missing one or more teeth and are interested in discussing if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, get in touch with our expert dental professionals here at Shapiro Family Dentistry. With offices located across South Florida in West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and Fort Pierce, our husband and wife dental team, along with our team of dental practitioners and specialists, provide expert dental care at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our dental services guaranteed to make you smile.