Veneers have become more affordable and accessible, which means that more people than ever can opt to have the smile of their dreams.

Porcelain Veneers
Are they right for you?
Think of your favorite celebrity. What’s one of the first things about him or her that comes to mind? Chances are good that you said their perfect smile! But here’s a secret – although celebrities are known for their beautiful smiles and flawless teeth, very few were actually born with the perfect smile. Most achieved this look with cosmetic dentistry, and in particular, porcelain veneers.
Veneers are a remarkably versatile cosmetic dental treatment that can do everything from conceal a single problematic tooth to create a stunning full smile transformation. Made from durable and stain-resistant dental porcelain, veneers achieve the seemingly impossible task of looking both flawless and natural!
Veneers aren’t just limited to Hollywood’s elite, either. Placing veneers has become more affordable and more accessible, which means that more people than ever can opt to have the smile of their dreams.
Your Palm Beach County cosmetic dentists at Shapiro Family Dentistry are skilled at creating beautiful veneers that treat a range of common aesthetic dental flaws, including chips, cracks, short or worn teeth, misaligned teeth, unusually shaped teeth, widely spaced teeth, and discolored teeth. Your veneers will be designed to complement your complexion and bone structure so that your new smile looks natural. Nobody will know that you’ve had dental work done; they’ll just appreciate your gorgeous smile!

Are veneers right for you? The best way to answer that is for you to call and schedule a consultation with our dentists. We’ll perform a comprehensive examination and then discuss your goals. Veneers are typically a great choice for anyone with healthy teeth and gums. If you do have any areas of decay or gum disease, we can plan for veneers once these concerns have been addressed. If you are just placing a few veneers, we can also discuss teeth whitening before we place veneers, since veneers don’t whiten in the same way that natural enamel does.
Are you ready to get started? Give us a call to schedule your cosmetic consultation. Soon, you’ll have a celebrity smile of your very own!
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