Nobody ever wants to hear that they need to have a tooth extracted. We'll make it as comfortable as possible

Tooth Extractions
Is it right for you?
At Shapiro Family Dentistry, we practice conservative dentistry and will always recommend the least invasive option that will provide an optimal solution to your problem.
Unfortunately, this sometimes means that we will have to remove a tooth that is putting the health of your other teeth at risk.
Tooth extractions can be necessary for a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons for extraction is because a tooth has become damaged or decayed to the point where it can no longer be effectively repaired. We may also recommend an extraction if an infection has progressed past the point where a root canal can save the tooth.
We may also need to remove teeth if you are experiencing crowding and we need to create space for effective orthodontic treatment or if you are already missing many teeth and we are preparing you for dentures. Additionally, wisdom teeth may need to be removed if they are causing pain or are not coming in properly.
We take every precaution to make sure that your extraction goes smoothly and is as comfortable as possible. We offer sedation dentistry so that you can drift through your procedure, calm and relaxed. Once the procedure is complete, we’ll give you precise, step-by-step instructions for your home care so that you can minimize your risk of developing any sort of complications.

If you’ve been experiencing discomfort, don’t hesitate another minute. Call us right away for an evaluation so that we can determine the most appropriate treatment for you.
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