braces boca raton

If your teeth are crooked, or if you have a misaligned bite, you might need braces. These devices have been used in orthodontics for years to align and straighten people’s teeth. They can significantly improve your confidence, teeth, and overall oral health. If you think you might need braces in Boca Raton, keep reading for everything you need to know about them.

Do I need braces Boca Raton?

Types of Braces

Fortunately, there are several options for you to choose from if you want your teeth straightened. Each kind has its pros and cons, depending on the severity of your condition. If you’re unsure of what kind is best for you, talk to your orthodontist, and they can help you decide which option is best for you.


These are your traditional braces with the metal brackets and wires you’re used to seeing. They’re the most affordable option and can fix most misalignment issues in a fair amount of time. The downside to traditional metal braces is that they can cause some self-esteem problems because they’re obvious when you smile. Furthermore, the metal and wires can be uncomfortable for some patients as well.


These are just like traditional braces, except the brackets blend in better with your teeth. They’re made of tooth-colored ceramic material, making these braces slightly less noticeable than traditional metal braces. The wires can also be colored to blend in even more. Ceramic braces are more expensive than metal ones, and they can stain easily if you don’t properly care for them.


Lingual braces are applied to the back of your teeth, making them completely invisible from the outside of your mouth. It’s a good option for people who would rather inconspicuously go through the teeth-straightening process. Lingual braces aren’t as common, and they can be uncomfortable since the metal has more contact with your tongue and other soft tissues of the mouth. This option is more expensive than traditional and ceramic braces and isn’t recommended for more severe cases, as lingual braces can’t fix every orthodontic problem.

Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are growing in popularity! If you’d rather skip all the metal, wires, and food restrictions, then this may be an ideal option for you. There are a series of plastic trays that slowly work to guide misaligned teeth to their proper position. These are completely transparent, so nobody will notice them! Clear aligners are removable and custom-made for you. These are also the most expensive option available, and without properly caring for your clear aligners, they could get damaged or stained.

Who Needs Braces?

People usually get braces to correct crowded or misaligned teeth. Many people think it’s more of a cosmetic procedure, but it can be much more than that. Getting braces can also help with jaw alignment and improve oral health. Those who have dealt with the following issues are good candidates for braces.

Misaligned Jaw

Having a misaligned jaw can have a significant impact on your health. Often, those with misaligned jaws have difficulty eating, sleeping, talking, and breathing. An uneven jaw can also affect the appearance of your face and cause facial pain. You might even notice a clicking or popping sound when you open your mouth. Misaligned jaws can be due to poor teeth alignment or genetics.

Difficulty Chewing

Difficulty with chewing could be a result of a misaligned jaw or crowded teeth. Depending on how bad your condition is, it could also result in difficulty swallowing or even speaking. This can lead to painful issues like biting your cheek, your teeth colliding while chewing, or choking on your food.

Mouth Breathing

If your jaw isn’t properly aligned, it can affect your nasal airways. It could also mean you have a smaller jaw, which will lead to crooked teeth. It’s common for people with conditions like an open bite to frequently breathe through their mouth since their teeth aren’t properly aligned when the jaws are closed.

Losing Baby Teeth Early or Late

If you lose your baby teeth too early or too late, it could affect how adult teeth grew or develop. Permanent teeth could come in the wrong position, or crowding could occur when baby teeth fall out too early. If they fall out too late, it could result in two rows of teeth or be a sign of a missing adult tooth.

Do I need braces Boca Raton?


Besides straighter teeth, getting braces can also have a host of other benefits. After your treatment, you should notice the following.

Improved Speech

If there’s an issue with your jaw structure, it can impact the way you speak. You might slur certain words, or you might have a lisp. After your teeth and jaw become aligned with braces, your speech should significantly improve.

Better Brushing and Flossing

It’s hard to clean every surface of your teeth when they’re crowded. Once they’re finally straightened, brushing and flossing should be much easier. This will also lead to better oral health.

Better Bite

Crooked teeth can often affect the way you eat, making it hard to chew thoroughly. You might accidentally bite the inside of your mouth frequently, which can lead to mouth sores and ulcers! Getting braces should straighten your teeth and give you a much better bite.

Decreased Risk of Periodontal Disease

When you can’t properly brush or floss, you’re at a greater risk of developing gum disease. Crooked teeth make it difficult to keep your teeth clean and cause excess bacteria and plaque to grow in your mouth. Straighter teeth can save your mouth!

Make Braces Fun for Children

Unfortunately, braces can get a bad stigma. Young children often get picked on for having braces because they’re seen as “dorky.” This can prevent a lot of young people from getting them. There are plenty of ways to personalize your braces and make them fun!

You have the option to choose the color of your brackets or wires, so encourage your child to get their favorite color. It’s also important to encourage them to smile more so they can learn to love their braces. You could even teach them how to make smoothies or other soft food they’ll have to eat during their treatment.

Do I need braces Boca Raton?

Where can I get Braces in Boca Raton?

Have you decided it’s time to fix your smile once and for all? Shapiro Family Dentistry is ready to get started. Call or visit our website today to schedule an appointment.

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