where can i get braces in boynton beach fl?

Over 4 million people in America are currently using braces to straighten their smiles. There are many reasons why your orthodontist would suggest that you wear braces in South Florida. It could be because you have crooked or overcrowded teeth, perhaps there is too much space between your teeth, your upper front teeth are sticking out, or maybe your lower teeth are way behind your upper teeth when you bite. These are just some of the many reasons why getting braces will help correct the alignment of your teeth, improve your smile, and enhance your oral health. 

where can i get braces in boynton beach fl?

What are Braces and What Do They Do?

Dental braces are a unique method of realigning your teeth to improve their appearance and function. Numerous studies show that braces offer long-term oral health benefits beyond the cosmetic changes.

When you correct your dental alignment, you will be able to speak normally, eat more comfortably, and experience even biting pressure across all your teeth.

How do braces work? Well, the device relies on the pressure exerted on your teeth to slowly move them in the direction determined by your orthodontist to achieve the desired result. The pressure causes your jawbone to shift and your teeth (including the roots) to move.

Are Braces Exclusive Only for Children and Teens?

Contrary to popular belief, braces are for everyone, including adults. Although they are associated with teenagers, many adults undergo the procedure to improve their smile. Age is not a determining factor in whether or not you can wear braces. More important than age, is the health of your teeth and gums.

What is it Like to Wear Braces?

Traditional metal braces are the most popular orthodontic treatment because they are economical and can fix mild to severe orthodontic cases. These devices are made of metal wires and brackets.

It’s normal to feel discomfort and soreness after the first few days of treatment because the metal will rub on the insides of your mouth, and the pressure will cause slight pain as your teeth begin to move. However, once you’ve adjusted to the device, the discomfort will wane, and you will no longer feel pain.

How Long Will the Treatment Last?

In truth, only your orthodontist can answer this questions because treatment time varies depending on the case. The treatment time will depend on the complexity of your condition. In some cases, just six months does the trick, in others, it might take a couple of years.

where can i get braces in boynton beach fl?

What Do You Expect When Getting Braces?

  • The treatment starts with an orthodontic consultation. During this appointment, your orthodontist may order an X-ray of your mouth, or if you already have your X-ray results from your dentist, it would be wise to bring them to the clinic. After evaluating your dental condition, your orthodontist will offer a treatment recommendation. This is your opportunity to ask as many questions as you want regarding the treatment. Ask about the price, pros and cons, treatment duration, etc.
  • After deciding on a treatment plan, you should go back to your dentist to clean your teeth. Some patients have oral health problems that need to be treated first before getting braces to not delay treatment. Examples include impacted wisdom tooth and periodontal disease). It’s best to address these issues first before you have your braces installed.
  • Most, if not all orthodontists, take photographs of your face, including your mouth and teeth. You will be amazed at how different your face looks when you’ve completed the treatment. Creating a mold first requires a dental impression. The traditional way of doing this is asking you to bite down on a putty tray, but modern-day dental technology can do away with these soft impressions by using digital scans.
  • Braces take about two hours to fully install. First, we place a device inside your mouth to keep it dry and to secure your tongue so it won’t get in the way. Your teeth will be dried in preparation for bonding. A special adhesive will be used to secure the brackets on your teeth. A curing light will be used to harden the adhesive. Once all the brackets are attached, your orthodontist will place the arch wires and run them across the brackets to hold them in place. And that’s about it!
  • After your appointment, your orthodontist will explain to you what you can expect during the next couple of weeks. Normally, it should take around a month or two for you to get used to your braces. Your orthodontist will also provide tips on how to adjust to your braces. Regular follow-up appointments are expected because your orthodontist will monitor your progress and adjust the wires whenever needed.
  • These appointments are for adjustments. Orthodontic patients are asked to go back every four weeks to have the wires replaced. Pain is expected following an adjustment appointment. You may take over-the-counter pain medications as instructed by your orthodontist to relieve the pain. Don’t worry; it’s not forever! The pain will only last for a few days.

What Happens on Your Last Appointment?

The final step of your braces procedure the long-awaited removal. Removing your braces will only take roughly 10 to 15 minutes! The brackets are easy to detach, but the traces of adhesive will still be there. To keep your teeth smooth and shiny, your orthodontist will polish your teeth. And voila! After years of waiting, you’ll finally be able to see your perfect and healthy smile! It’s worth mentioning after you’ve had your braces removed, your orthodontist will ask you to wear retainers to keep your teeth from shifting.

where can i get braces in boynton beach fl?

Do You Need Braces in South Florida?

If you want to achieve a healthier and more beautiful smile, we suggest you follow your dentist’s recommendations. When your dentist refers you to an orthodontist, it is for a good reason. When you’re convinced to give braces a try, only trust the best. At Shapiro Family Dentistry, we offer the latest cosmetic and orthodontic dentistry options to improve your smile and oral health! Book an appointment with us on our site. We’d love to revamp your smile!

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